

What most consider waste, is science “gold” for us at BLOOM. Your child’s generous and frequent donation of stool is frozen immediately after collection. This is done to preserve the quality of the tiny living things that live in your child’s gut

We collect stool samples during the most important phases of children’s development. In the future, we will closely study the samples to learn how the microbiome of children born at different ages functions and develops over time. We will also explore how the microbiome might protect or expose children to illness and disease.  

Milk: Breast/Donor


Nutrition in the first years of life plays such an important role in shaping the microbiome! We ask parents of babies who join at birth and are consuming human milk to provide us with four samples. We do not ask parents to provide formula samples – it is expensive and the nutrition information is publicly available. 

We want to look at what makes up each milk type and how it impacts the microbiome of children born preterm.   



Your child’s urine samples follow a similar path as the stool samples. Our lab team has been getting a workout squeezing every last drop of urine out of the cotton balls using a syringe. 

The urine samples tell us about a hormone called cortisol. This hormone gives us an inside look at how the brain responds to stress.  Our goal is to learn more about the gut-brain connection by using information from the stool and urine samples.

Allergy Test

allergy-test from Allergy test icons created by Freepik - Flaticon

*Testing conducted by a
trained pediatric healthcare provider*

The allergy tests done at the study clinic visits give us clues about your child’s immune system. These tests give us an idea of of your child’s body reacts to the common allergens like peanuts, and allergens linked to asthma, like dust mites. We do these tests when your child is 1 year and 3 years old, to see how their immune response changes as they grow.

By looking at the results of these tests and studying your child’s microbiome, we are figuring out how their body reacts to their environment. We are also exploring how their microbiome might play a role in this reaction.

Nose Swab

*Testing conducted by a
trained pediatric healthcare provider*

Who Baby

How A swab is placed inside the nostril and wiped against the inside.

Why Provides indispensable information about the immune system

Blood Sample

*Testing conducted by a
trained pediatric healthcare provider*

Who Baby

How Collected using a pediatric needle on the arm (needle with very thin diameter attached to a flexible tube that enables painless blood withdrawal). About 1 tsp (3-5 mLs) of blood is drawn.

Why Provides the most valuable information about a child’s immune system.

Hair Sample


*Testing conducted by a
trained pediatric healthcare provider*

Who Baby

Why Hair contains cortisol, a hormone produced in response to stress. Studying this hormone allows us to look into how your child’s stress impacts their microbiome and gut health. 

How Collected by cutting a small piece of hair (1 cm) from the back of the head.

Questionnaires and Health Information

questionary-icon from Questionary icons created by smashingstocks - Flaticon

*Testing conducted by a
trained pediatric healthcare provider*

Biological samples tell us amazing things about the organisms and substances present inside the body. But we also need to know about what factors outside the body impact the microbiome. You have likely encountered at least one of our questionnaires and know that we ask a ton of questions! The reason we are thorough is that we want to get a COMPLETE picture of what your child is exposed to. Your answers cover a wide range of topics from demographics, health, home environment, nutrition, and more. This helps us learn how our environment shapes our children’s microbiomes and their health . As we learn about which habits and factors encourage a balanced gut community, we can help shape future healthcare and lifestyle recommendations. 

Thank you very much for your contributions & trust!
Our team is dedicated to ensuring your child's comfort, and we will make every effort to make the experience as gentle as possible for them.
The BLOOM Team